Sunday, February 1, 2009


Take a Picture of This/Keeping Up Appearances is a zine created by Katie Baxter-Habib and Nicholas Flessa. I am pretty sure that is just going to be a collection of both of their drawings and writings. On Saturday I went to the release party at Freespace, which is apparently ending now, there were also a few of Katie's paintings on display, some prints by Andrew Swill, and a few other pieces by other artists. Swill also read some of his work along with a few other poets.

It was a slightly uncofortable experience at first; it was crowded, hot, and I had a large backpack on which made me run into everyone and everything around me. I hate that. So as I put back a few cans of Schlitz my backpack became lighter and lighter and the event became a lot more fun. The zine is pretty cool. The dark details in Katie's drawing on the Take a Picture of This side are almost frightening, they perfectly show the contours of the faces of her imaginative creartures/people. Nicholas also has some fantastic drawings, sometimes in the form a comic, but often with little satirical captions. Get your hands on a copy of Take a Picture of This/Keeping Up Appearances if you see it around, or ask Katie or Nicholas about it if you see them.

Oh by the way, I had been told by a person who shall not be named due to humiliation, that a group I play with called Jazzfuck was going to play with Lightening Bolt at Art Damage. Apparently that is not true at all. I saw "the johns" at Freespace last night and they informed me that this was a lie. Bummer.

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